Men's day is just around the corner! This event is a great way for members to meet one another, have a good catch up outside the gym and have a laugh. Destressing from day to day life is super important and this event with like minded people will do just that.
We are very passionate about getting men together and fighting the stigma around men's mental health. Having worked with a local charity Men Walk Talk for various events, we want to continue the mission by getting guys together.
78% of suicides are caused by men's mental health, and the third leading cause is their health so doing whatever we can to raise awareness is crucial. If you're a apart of this wicked community it would be great to see you down there!
The men's day event will be held at Rookery Fit Farm in Flansham. It will consist of a unique assault course for 2 hours. This will then be followed by a pint at a local pub.
